Monday, October 30, 2006


I like blogging. It feels so free and safe. I can write whatever I want because it seems like the only readers are me and maybe two or three friends. I can just be myself. No need to worry about audience, making a point or anything. I can just write.
Like this blog. No point really. Just words on a virtual page. So fun.

1 out of 8

1 out of 8
Jen(n )

My friend shares my name--kind of. (Remember, 1 in 8 do.) So our whole lives she's always been "Jennifer" to me. That's even when I was still being called "Jenny," and sometimes "Jen." We were the same age, and she emulated almost everything I did. In middle school, I started going by "Jenn"--it was cool and different. So did she. Only this time when I outgrew it and needed another change, "Jenn" kept hers that way.

Granted, I still allow friends and family to call me "Jen" and almost preferred it in college--almost. But the funny thing is she found out several years ago that she is not a Jennifer. She's a Jenifer. But she insists still on spelling her nickname with two "n's. I think it is rebellion against her psycotic mom who left her when she was young. Jenn was learning how to read and spell just after we befriended each other, which was also just after her mom left her and her brother to be raised by their dad, divorcing him and looking for the good life. So there's Jennifer, going to pick up her marriage license and finding out her true name was Jenifer. That's not the time to find out your real identity.

Friday, October 27, 2006

I love life

I love life. I try not to take it seriously. It'll slip between your fingers really fast and then you won't be able to look back and reflect on how much you enjoyed it. Life is meant to bring glory to God. We do that when we enjoy it.

Think about:
Swinging in the park.
Sliding down big water slides.
Walking through a snow-covered prarie in the Rocky Mountains.
Frolicking in the sand on the Southern California beaches.
Cool days.
Summer days.
A tea party with friends.
Friends in general.
The Grand Floridian.
Explaining the gospel to someone.
Spending time alone with Jesus.

How can I not love life?


I'm looking at a question in my Bible Study homework. It's a personal question, so I don't HAVE to answer it out loud. Although, I value transparency and so I figure I should answer it in a way that I could verbalize to the group. We're studying Romans, specifically chapter 4. We're discussing why we feel guilty for sin even when we know it is forgiven.

Here's the question of interest (notice in police reports, they won't refer to someone as a "suspect," but a "person of interest"? Why is that?):

"Name the specific sins of yours that are counted against Christ instead of you. How will you express your gratitude to Christ?" Hello!

So, I started thinking about generic answers. I don't want people to think I am too much of a sinner. I wrote cute words like "jealousy" and "deceit" then I got real (not that those aren't real sins in my life). Here's my answer among others on the list: "Not wanting to admit my wickedness and make people think I am better than I am!" Amen to that. In case you haven't noticed, I am a wicked and depraved woman, desperately in need of a Savior. You are too...that is if you are a woman. If not, you still need a Savior.

I want to be like Paul. Who gives a rip about protecting myself? May Christ be glorified. I died to me. Let people see Christ in me. PRAISE THE LORD!


I am writing an article about spending time alone with the Lord. I realized something really interesting as I am writing it:

In a marriage, the only way for a couple to bear fruit, is intimacy. In our relationship with God, we need intimate time alone with Him in order to spring forth His fruit and to bear His likeness.

Ever notice in the Bible when it says So-and-so Man KNEW so-and-so Woman, and she conceived a child? To really KNOW God, we need time alone with Him. I love how marriage mirrors His relationship with us.